Well, hello there!
This quite literally has been a week of miracles. I'll try
to keep it short...
We received two new baptismal dates, three new people that
seem very promising, an 87- year-old Swedish lady that might become an
investigator from seeing "The Book of Mormon Musical" with her grandson. Our wonderful new convert blessed the
Sakrament for the second time yesterday--that was wonderful!
Then another
miracle last night--we were contacting, and then behind us I hear, "Are those
the Mormons?" Then somebody comes up behind us and interrupts our other
contact--basically we had a solid 25-minute street lesson, and this guy just had SO
many questions... really good questions, too. Sister Christensen and I agreed
that neither of us feel like we have felt the Spirit quite so strong during a
street contact before. Just never have felt such a desire for them to just
listen and take what you are saying and just ask for themselves!
It was right
in front of a bar--and the whole time we were talking, all of these different people came up and
would join in on the conversation, and then leave, and it was just the guy again. At the end, he didn't want to set up another time. A quick shut down to meeting
again. We were kind of bummed about that, but we were just kind of astonished at
how that felt. How it felt to just really feel the Holy Ghost so powerful on
the street...pretty amazing.
Well, time went on, and about an hour later we get a call from an unknown
number. I answer, and just recognized the voice immediately. He says, "I
don't know what it is, but I cannot stop thinking about our talk. You really
planted a seed in me and I am really curious now." Such a miracle! And we set
up a potential meeting for later this week. We are really praying this all goes
through--but a miracle, if you ask me!
And lastly--the new Easter Initiative is coming out
soon!!! I believe on March 31st. You guys, it is marvelous. I was just blown
away. It is beautiful and just so captivating.
We had MLC (Mission Leadership Council) this past week to learn
more about it, and to plan how we were going to get it spread here in the Sweden
Stockholm Mission. But the focus of it all is The Prince of Peace.
I just blew it for you all, but I am telling you, you have got to see the video when it comes out. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. But, as well as being an amazing video, it also came as an answer to my prayers. I cannot even tell you how blown away I was at just how much this training meant to me.
I just blew it for you all, but I am telling you, you have got to see the video when it comes out. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. But, as well as being an amazing video, it also came as an answer to my prayers. I cannot even tell you how blown away I was at just how much this training meant to me.
Peace is a gift. It is a constant. Peace is the calming
reassurance from a loving Heavenly Father that everything is okay even when
everything else would tell you otherwise.
The second half of our training was on Spiritual
Whirlwinds. It was based off of a talk called "Spiritual Whirlwinds" from Elder Neil A.
Anderson, and a Mormon Message made from it. They showed the Mormong Message, and I just loved it! Some may find it weird, but I absolutely love it.
It talks
about how in life, we lose sight of our focus and are led off by little gusts of wind that soon turn into something so much stonger if we are not aware. It then
talks about a power that can help us back onto the right path:
"There is
of course a powerful force that will subdue the wounds of sin. It is called
REPENTANCE." -Ä. Neil A. Andersson
A powerful reminder
of the wonderful gift that is Repentance. In a world where the winds are
blowing all around us at reckless speeds, we can find safety in the eye of the
storm. When we are focused on the Prince of Peace, we can go forward in peace amongst
the chaos of this world.
I know now that this is perhaps one of the greatest of God's
gifts to us. The gift of Peace. We all seek for an inner peace that can only be
found in The Prince of Peace. I have seen that, looking back on my mission, there
has been one constant--Peace. Through the good and the bad and the just plain
seemingly impossible, there was still some level of peace. I always knew that all the hard parts were just for a moment...
I love you all, and now just go prepare for General Conference--make it so you get more out of this Conference than you ever have before. Make it so
personal to you that you will always turn to your Father in Heaven out of
gratitude for the many blessings and answers He will give to you.
This is an
amazing opportunity to hear from our dear Prophet and the Apostles of the Lord.
After all, the Father and the Son are still at the helm. Leading their ship. Though the waves might be crashing all around us, we need not be worried--for the Prince of
Peace will calm the storms soon enough.
Med Kärlek,
Syster Campbell
Peace like a river....................................