Monday, February 20, 2017


Well, there is a new fun thing called "ordering travel" on p-days, and we have a lot of fun traveling to do this week--so, guess what took up half of my emailing time?!  At least this week's letter won't be written on a loose sheet of paper I randomly found like last week's!

Well...this week we got to go on work-overs in Jönköping!  The most gorgeous little city that I just fell in love with!  And it was all just really great--but most of what was really fun to us probably wouldn't sound like anything fun to the real world--let's just say missionary humor goes downhill real fast when the only things you joke about are on the level of a 6-year-old! We just learn to find joy in the simple things.  And in the unfortunate is good.
 So yes.  Jönköping is a dream.  If I had more time, I would love to serve there.

Um...this weeks been good, and that's about it!

Okay, but the good stuff now.

Ether 12: 3-6

" faith all things are fulfilled-- Wherefore, whoso believeth in God  might with surety hope for a better world... which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast..."

So Ether was prophesying of all of these things but the people just kept saying, well we don´t believe you because no one has shown us a sign! Oh my! Okay, we hear this all too often. Well... Moroni cleans this up quite well,
 vs. 6  "I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen, wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trail of your faith."

vs.12  "For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith."

Okay.  Bigger Picture:  Ether is out here among all of these wicked people telling them exactly how to get their answer.  Miracles are brought about by FAITH!  It goes on giving all of these amazing examples of faith that we can read throughout the Book of Mormon.  

It's all right there!  I think we just try and complicate things just a little too much, and think that miracles have to have some complex equation that we have to solve before the miracle can happen.  Often we forget that faith is just the start!  It's the initial seed of hope.  If we're willing to act on it, miracles will come!  
It doesn't mean we have to have the strength now to be able to do everything--it just means that soon we will have the opportunity of applying the Atonement to be able to better ourselves in order to help in the process of miracles occurring.

Now that was a burst of thoughts if you ever did see one!  If it made sense, good--if not we'll try again next week.  But for now, just show God that you are willing to grow.  That you are willing to improve--and miracles will happen.  Be willing to pay the small price for eternal investments.  "Our pain will be but a moment."

Love you all so very much!

Kämpa på.....

Syster Campbell

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